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Thread: Bộ đội cụ Hồ bị xích chân vô súng máy (Viet Cong chained to machine guns)

  1. #71
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    The NVA had been chained to trees.

    The Real Story

    From THE RAKKASANS -- The Combat History of the 187th Airborne Infantry
    By Lt. General E. M. Flanagan, Jr., USA (Ret)

    Trích đoạn:

    The Rakkasans on the top and slopes of Dong Ap Bia found a landscape that resembled what they imagined hell must be like. Throughout the area, they found NVA pith helmets, AK-47s, stick grenades, bloody bandages, and RPGs. In the center of Hill 937, a line of Rakkasans came across a group of fifteen NVA who were apparently shell-shocked. Without waiting, the Rakkasans killed them all. Four of the NVA had been chained to trees. All of them wore patches that read: "Kill the Americans."

  2. #72
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    North Vietnam soldiers had been chained to their machine-guns

    Bài viết: Twilight Warriors: Inside the World's Special Forces
    By Martin C. Arostegui
    Page 33

    Trích đoạn:

    The NVA resistance around the camp was so fierce that a counter-attack with Beckwith had led with two companies had been repulse .North Vietnam soldiers had been chained to their machine-guns.

  3. #73
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    Enemy machine gunners chained to their weapons

    Bài viết:Vietnam above the treetops: a forward air controller reports
    By John F. Flanagan
    Page 115

    Trích đoạn:

    Jim told me the Plei Me story in which Delta heroically reinforced the camp besieged by two NVA regiments .this was the first confirmed presence of NVA regulars in South Vietnam. They found enemy machine gunners chained to their weapons . I didn't like what I heard, but I was now committed .

  4. #74
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    The NVA machine gunners were tied to the machineguns

    Bài viết:In Remembrance OF Robert Neil Minetto

    By: Robert Neil Minetto

    Trích đoạn:

    Upon inspecting the enemy positions after the firefight, the grunts found many small bags containing a white powder in the backpacks of the NVA soldiers. Was this opium? The enemy soldiers had US military communications wire tied around the joints of their legs and their arms apparently to act as tourniquets (to stanch bleeding) if they were to get hit during the ambush. It was also discovered that the NVA machine gunners were tied to the machineguns so that they could not run away if they were over ran by the Marines.

  5. #75
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    Lục lọi được gần 40 bài viết có gía trị nói về một hiện tượng khá phổ biến là cán binh cộng sản bị xích chân vào súng, vào xe tăng trong chiến tranh VN trước 1975.

    Mà sao không thấy các bạn phò cộng cực đoan (= HVB, CAM), lên tiếng góp ý gì cả.

    Lặn gì mà kỹ thế ? Hay không hiểu tiếng Anh ?

  6. #76
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    Bài viết:Inside the Special Forces
    By Tom Clancy, Carl Stiner, Tony Koltz

    Trích đoạn:
    When we finally reached the summit, we discovered that a few of the NVA troops who remained there had actually been chained to trees to make sure they staved and fought .

  7. #77
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    NVA was left in the holes were chained to their guns

    Bài viết:1968: The Definitive Year
    Page 140

    Trích đoạn:

    Other members of the battalion remembered the events of that morning less melodramatically. Captain Otto J. Lehrack, the commanding officer of Company I, later wrote that his recollection was that Company K "did launch an assault, supported by tanks from Gio Linh, but by that time there wasn't much of an enemy force left and it was pretty much of a walk." According to Lehrack, the company sergeant of Company K, Gunnery Sergeant Jimmie C. Clark, later told him:

    "What NVA was left in the holes were chained to their guns ... so they couldn't get up and run." Clark went on to state: "We went in and retrieved our own and brought our own people out. . . . We were pretty beat and torn up, but we had to do it." 90

  8. #78
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    VC snipers chained to trees

    Bài viết:Calvin Williams

    T. Harry Williams Center for Oral History Collection

    INTERVIEWEE NAME: Calvin Williams # 4700.0993
    IDENTIFICATION: Vietnam veteran
    INTERVIEWER: Bailey Vinson
    PROJECT: Americans in Vietnam
    DATES: 2/77
    FOCUS DATES: Nov 1, 1966- April 14, 1973
    ABSTRACT: Tape 1449, Side A

    Born in DeRidder, LA; occupations of parents; impoverished childhood; lessons learned in childhood; education; decision to join Marines; induction, training; arrival in Vietnam in December; getting ambushed, losing men; explains "Recon"; explains "force Recon"; description of a day in Vietnam; altercation wherein Williams shot an officer; punishment for shooting officer; found enemy's underground hospital; weapons, M-16 with M-79 grenade launcher; starlight scopes; contact with civilians; CUPP operation; importance of water buffalo in Vietnam; battle on the 4th of July; opinions on ARVNs and Vietnamese Marines; contact with VC; VC tactics; VC trying to capture Danang air strip; VC propaganda campaign; VC exploitation of black/white racial friction; Hanoi Hannah on radio at night; Marines drinking, leaking information into enemy hands; almost starved at Khe Sanh; reduced to eating rats and lizards; would rather fight NVA than VC; pungy pits, grenades; booby traps made from American garbage; NVA fought more traditionally; VC snipers chained to trees; dedication of enemy; contact with montagnards; Hmong people; montagnards and the NVA; montagnards were cannibalistic; problems with Vietnamese society; Vietnamese civilians needed leadership; learning Vietnamese; prevalence of prostitution; prevalence of drugs; prices of prostitutes; prostitution in the field; children pimping their sisters and mothers; availability of drugs; going AWOL; joining the enemy; gold in Hue City.

  9. #79
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    The VC had tied them to trees

    Bài viết:2/503d VIETNAM Newsletter
    September 2009 / Issue 5
    Page 5 of 10

    Trích đoạn:

    “We found other young boys killed by our fire when we counter-attacked. The VC had tied them to trees, leaving their arms free to fire a rifle but tying their bodies upright with the knots on the other side of the tree so they couldn’t reach them before we came upon them.”
    Desmond Jackson

  10. #80
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    They had been tied into the trees

    Bài viết:They Marched Into Sunlight: War and Peace Vietnam and America October 1967
    By David Maraniss

    Trích đoạn:

    Welch yelled for the men behind him to fire up into the trees . " And right then 3 VC fell down dead about 25 feet in front" of him .They had been tied into the trees, and "when they were shot , they just fell down the lenght of the rope and hung thể in mid air "

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