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Thread: CHIẾN TRANH và TỘI ÁC: Cộng Sản - Quốc Gia, ai tàn ác hơn ai?

  1. #301
    Join Date
    May 15, 1961: Twelve Catholic nuns from La Providence order are traveling on Highway One toward Saigon. Their bus is stopped by communists who ransack their luggage. Sister Theophile protests and is shot dead on the spot. The vehicle is sprayed with bullets seriously wounding Sister Phan Thi No. The ambush takes place near Tram Van, Tay Ninh Province.

    July 26, 1961: Two Vietnamese National Assemblymen Rmah Pok and Yet Nic Bounrit, both Montagnards, are shot and killed by terrorists near Dalat. A schoolteacher, traveling with them on their visit to a Montagnard resettlement village, is also killed.

    September 20, 1961: One thousand main force communist soldiers storm Phuoc Vinh, capital of (then) Phuoc Thanh province, sac and burn government buildings, behead virtually the entire administrative staff. They hold the capital for 24 hours before withdrawing.

    October, 1961: A U.S. State Department study estimates that the communists are killing Vietnamese at rate of 1,500 per month. December 13, 1961: Father Bonnet, a French parish priest from Konkala, Kontum is killed by a terrorist while visiting parishioners at Ngok Rongei.

    December 20, 1961: S. Fuka, a Japanese engineer at the Da Nhim dam, a Japanese government war reparations project to supply electric power to Viet-Nam, is kidnapped after being stopped at a road block. His fate is never learned.

    January 1, 1962: A Vietnamese labor leader, Le Van Thieu, 63, is hacked to death by terrorists wielding machetes near Bien Hoa, in the rubber plantation on which he works.

    January 2, 1962: Two Vietnamese technicians working in the government's anti-malaria program, Pham Van Hai and Nguyen Van Thach, are killed by communists with machetes, 12 miles south of Saigon.

    February 20, 1962: Terrorists throw four hand grenades into a crowded village theater near Can Tho, killing 24 women and children. In all, 108 persons are killed or injured.

    April 8, 1962: Communists execute two wounded American prisoners of war near the village of An Chau in Central Viet-Nam. Each, hands tied, is shot in the face because he cannot keep up with the retreating captors.

    May 19, 1962: A terrorist grenade is hurled into the Aterbea restaurant in Saigon, wounding a Berlin circus manager and the cultural attache from the German Embassy.

    May 20, 1962: A bomb explodes in front of the Hung Dao Hotel, Saigon, a billet for American servicemen, injuring eight Vietnamese and three Americans who are in the street at the time.

    June 12, 1962: Communists ambush a civilian passenger bus near Le Tri, An Giang province, killing the passengers, the driver and the driver's helper, a total of five men and women.

    October 20, 1962: A teenage communist hurls a grenade into a holiday crowd in downtown Saigon, killing six persons, including two children, and injuring 38 persons.

    November 4, 1962: A terrorist hurls a grenade into an alley in Can Tho, killing one American serviceman and two Vietnamese children. A third Vietnamese child is seriously injured.

    January 25, 1963: Communists dynamite a passenger freight train near Qui Nhon, killing eight passengers and injuring 15 others. The train is carrying only rice as freight.

    March 4, 1963: Two Protestant missionaries-Elwood Forreston, an American, and Gaspart Makil, a Filipino, are shot dead at a road block between Saigon and Dalat. The Makil twin babies are shot
    and wounded.

    March 16, 1963: Terrorists hurl a grenade into a Saigon home where and American family is having dinner, killing a French businessman and wounding four other persons, on of them a woman.

    April 3, 1963: Terrorists throw two grenades into a private school near Long Xuyen, An Gian province, Killing a teacher and two other adults. Students are performing their annual variety show at the time.

    April 4, 1963: Terrorists throw grenades into an audience attending an outdoor motion picture showing in Cao Lanh village in the Mekong Delta, killing four persons and wounding 11.

    May 23, 1963: Two powerful explosions set off by terrorists on bicycles kill two Vietnamese and wound ten others in Saigon. Police believe the explosion was accidentally premature.

    September 12, 1963: Miss Vo Thi Lo, 26, a schoolteacher in An Phuoc, Kien Hoa province, is found near the village with her throat cut. She had been kidnapped three days earlier.

    October 16, 1963: Terrorists explode mines under two civilian buses in Kien Hoa and Quang Tin provinces, killing 18 Vietnamese and wounding 23.

    November 9, 1963: Three grenades are thrown in Saigon, injuring a total of 16 persons, including four children; the first is thrown in a main street, the second along the waterfront, and the third in the Chinese residential area.

    February 9, 1964: Two Americans are killed and 41 wounded, including four women and five children, when a communist bomb is set off in a sports stadium during a softball game. A second portion of the bomb fails to explode. Officials estimate that if it had, fifty persons would have died.

    February 16, 1964: Three Americans are killed and 32 injured, most of them U.S. dependents, when terrorists bomb the Kinh Do movie theater in Saigon.

    July 14, 1964: Pham Thao, chairman of the catholic Action Committee in Quang Ngai, is executed when he returns to his native village of Pho Loi, Quang Ngai province.

    October, 1964: U.S. officials in Saigon report that from January to October of 1964 the communists killed 429 Vietnamese local officials and kidnapped 482 others.

    December 24, 1964: A Christmas eve bomb explosion at the Brink officers' billet kills two Americans and injures 50 Americans and 13 Vietnamese.

    February 6, 1965: Radio Liberation announces that the communists have shot two American prisoners of war as reprisals against the Vietnamese government, which had sentenced two terrorists to death.

  2. #302
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    February 10, 1965: Terrorists blow up an enlisted men's barracks in Qui Nhon, killing 23 Americans.

    March 30, 1965: A bomb explodes outside the American Embassy in Saigon, killing 2 Americans, 18 Vietnamese and injuring 100 Vietnamese and 45 Americans.

    June 24, 1965: Radio Liberation announces the execution of an American prisoner.

    June 25, 1965: Terrorists dynamite the My Canh restaurant in Saigon, killing 27 Vietnamese, 12 Americans, two Filipinos, one Frenchman, one German; more than 80 persons are injured.

    June 1965: Vietnamese officials report the rate of assassinations and kidnappings of rural officials has double din June over May and April; 224 officials were either killed or kidnapped.

    August 18, 1965: A bomb at the Police Directorate office in Saigon kills six and wounds 15.

    October 4, 1965: One of two planted bombs explodes at the Cong Hoa National Sports Stadium, killing eleven Vietnamese, including four children, and wounding 42 persons.

    October 5, 1965: A bomb goes off, apparently prematurely, in a taxi on a main street in downtown Saigon, killing two Vietnamese and wounding ten others.

    December 4, 1965: In Saigon a terrorist bomb kills eight persons when it explodes in front of a billet for U.S. enlisted men; 137 are injured, including 72 Americans, three New Zealanders and 62

    December 12, 1965: Two terrorist platoons kill 23 Vietnamese canal construction workers asleep in a Buddhist Pagoda in Tan Huong, Dinh Tuong province; wound seven others.

    December 30, 1965: Saigon editor Tu Chung of the newspaper Chinh Luan is gunned down in point blank fire as he arrives home at noon for lunch. Earlier he had published the texts of threatening notes he had received from the communists.

    January 7, 1966: A Claymore mine explodes at Tan Son Nhut gate (entrance to Saigon airport), killing two persons and injuring 12.

    January 17,1966: Communists in Kien Tuong detonate a mine under a highway bus, killing 26 civilians, seven of them children. Eight persons are injured and three are listed as mission.

    January 18, 1966: Communists mine a bus in Kien Tuong province, killing 26 civilians.

    January 29, 1966: Terrorists kill a Catholic priest, Father Phan Khac Dau, 74, at Thanh Tri, Kien tuong province. Five other civilians, including a church officer, are also killed. The marauders desecrate the church, destroying its statuary and religious artifacts.

    February 2, 1966: A communist squad ambushes a jeep load of Vietnamese information workers, killing six and wounding one: in Hau Nghia province.

    February 14, 1966: Two mines explode beneath a bus and a three- wheeled taxi on a road near Tuy Hoa, killing 48 farm laborers and injuring seven others.

    March 18, 1966: Fifteen Vietnamese civilians are killed and four injured by the explosion of a homemade mine on a country road eight kilometers west of Tuy Hoa, Phu Yen province.

    May 22, 1966: Terrorists kill 18 sleeping men, a woman and four children during an attack on a housing center for canal workers in the Mekong Delta province of An Giang. "We are doing this to teach you a lesson," a communist cadre is reported to have said just before he pulled the trigger.

    September 10, 1966: On the eve of South Vietnam's Constituent assembly elections, communists stage 166 separate incidents of intimidation, abduction and assassination, Polling places also are destroyed.

    September 11, 1966: On election day, communists kill 19 voters wound 120, in fire on polling places, mining of roads, and in individual assassinations.

    September 24, 1966: American troops free eleven persons from a communist "jail" in Phu Yen province who report that 70 fellow prisoners were deliberately starved to death and 20 others tortured until they died.

    October 11, 1966: Acting on information from a 14-year old boy, allied forces discover a prison complex in Binh Dinh province containing the bodies of 12 Vietnamese who had been machine gunned and grenaded by fleeing guards.

    October 22, 1966: A youth worker in Binh Chanh, Gia Dinh province, is shot and killed by raiders while asleep in his home.

    October 24, 1966: The Hue-Quang Tri bus runs over a mine in Phong Dien district, Thua Thien province;
    15 passengers are injured.

    October 27, 1966: A grenade is thrown into a home in Ban Me Thout, Darlac province, killing a 63-year old man and a nine- month old child; seven other persons , six of them women, are wounded.

    October 28, 1966: An alert policeman arrests a female communist agent who is about to place a time-bomb under the reviewing stand at a festival in Khanh Hung (Soc Trang), Ba Xuyen province.

    November 1, 1966: Communists direct long-range recoilless rifle fire into downtown Saigon during National Day celebration killing or wounding 51 persons.

    November 2, 1966: A grenade is thrown by a terrorist at Phu Tho racetrack, Saigon, killing two persons and wounding eight others, including two children.

    November 2, 1966: A squad of armed guerrillas attacks a hamlet in Chau Thanh district, Phong Dinh province, then withdraw after detonating a 10-kilogram charge which wrecks a steel bridge across the Dau Sau canal. An aged woman and two children are wounded.

    November 3, 1966: Communist squads infiltrate the outskirts of Saigon, fire 24 recoilless rifle shells on the city. Among the buildings hit are Saigon Central Market, Grall Hospital, Saigon Cathedral, a seminary chapel and several private homes. Eight persons are killed and 37 seriously wounded.

    November 4, 1966: Communists lob mortar shells into a village in Hau Nghia province, killing one civilian and wounding eight.

    November 4, 1966: Communist attack an outpost in Tay Ninh province, killing six civilians and wounding Revolutionary Development team members.

    November 7, 1966: A communist squad on Provincial Road 8, Quang Duc province, abducts a hamlet chief and deputy chief.

    November 8, 1966: In Chau Doc province, a 53-year old woman is tortured and shot to death; a note pinned to her body accuses her of supporting the South Vietnamese government.

    November 16, 1966: A terrorist bomb-laden bicycle on Nguyen Van Thoai Street, Saigon, explodes; two South Vietnamese soldiers and a civilian are wounded.

    November 19, 1966: Eight mortar rounds on Can Giuoc, Long An province, kill two children; 12 civilians are wounded some 20 mortar rounds drop on Can Duoc, wounding five civilians.

    November 20, 1966: Two policemen are wounded when they attempt to remove several communist banners equipped with explosive devices.

    November 23, 1966: Three terrorists dressed in South Vietnamese army uniforms kill a policeman guarding a bridge at Khanh Hung (Soc Trang), Ba Xuyen province. While escaping, they throw two
    grenades, wounding seven civilians and two soldiers.

  3. #303
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    November 26, 1966: A Claymore-type mine is set off in the playground of the Trinh Hoai Duc boys' school, An Thanh, Binh Duong province. Korean troops are using adjacent area as a training site. Three Koreans are killed and a Vietnamese student is wounded.

    November 30, 1966: Communist shell Tan Uyen market, Bien Hoa province, killing three civilians and wounding seven.

    December 4, 1966: A village chief in Gia Dinh province is abducted from his home in Phu Lam by four men and assassinated by rifle fire.

    December 7, 1966: Tran Van Van, Constituent Assemblyman, is assassinated while en route to the National Assembly building; death weapon is a .32 caliber East German pistol; his killers are captured.

    December 10, 1966: A terrorist throw a grenade into the Chieu Hoi district playground, Binh Duong City, severely injuring three children.

    December 10, 1966: A taxi on Highway 29, Phong Dinh province runs over a mine. Five passengers, all women, are killed and the driver badly wounded.

    December 13, 1966: Revolutionary Development personnel attend a course at the Ca Mau school, An Xuyen province; a charge explodes in the classroom, killing three and wounding nine.

    December 20, 1966: A squad infiltrates a hamlet in Quang Tin province, kidnaps a former Viet Cong member who recently defected, carries him to another location and shoots him.

    December 27, 1966: National Constituent Assemblyman, Dr. Phan Quang Dan, narrowly escapes death when his car explodes in Gia Dinh province. A charge is concealed beneath the vehicle and detonates as Dr. Dan opens the door. Dan escapes with minor wounds but a woman passerby is killed and five civilians wounded. January 6, 1967: A South Vietnamese policeman kin Tan Chu, Kien Phong province, is shot and killed while members of his family look on.

    January 7, 1967: An explosion destroys a school and health station in Hong Ngu district, Kien Phong province.

    January 8, 1967: In An Xuyen province, terrorists throw a grenade into the house of a hamlet chief. One of the children is killed and three other civilians are wounded.

    January 12, 1967: Three civilians are killed and three South Vietnamese soldiers are wounded in an ambush of a truck on National Highway 14, two kilometers south of Tan Canh village.

    January 15, 1967: At Thanh Tho, Quang Tin province, communists shoot a merchant when he refuses to give them two oxen.

    January 21, 1967: Several communists force their way into Buon Ho, Darlac province, gather the people for a propaganda lecture; kidnap six young men.

    February 6, 1967: Communists raid Lieu Tri, Quang Tin province, and abduct a teacher and a local officials. The teacher is killed.

    February 6, 1967: A grenade is thrown onto the porch where Kontum deputy province chief is entertaining a group of South Vietnamese officials. The provincial Chief of Education is killed instantly; the Chief of Montagnard Affairs and another official die of wounds the next day. Eight other are seriously wounded.

    March 4, 1967: Only two badly wounded prisoners survive as communist prison guards near Can Tho tie 12 South Vietnamese captives together, shoot and stab them before fleeing from advancing South Vietnamese troops; both survivors live despite having their throats cut.

    March 5, 1976: In an nocturnal raid, terrorists murder two young Revolutionary Development workers in Vinh Phu, Phu Yen province. Seven additional Revolutionary Development team members are killed in the ensuing gunfight and four are wounded. The raid is the 113th attach on Revolutionary Development workers since the first of the year.

    March 30, 1967: Recoilless rifle fire directed at homes of families of South Vietnamese troops demolishes 200 houses and kills 32 men, women and children in the capital city of Bac Lieu province.

    April 13, 1967: A South Vietnamese entertainment troupe is the target of nocturnal raid in Lu Song hamlet, near Da Nang. The team chief and his deputy are killed; two team members are wounded.

    April 14, 1967: Terrorists kidnap Nguyen Van Son in Binh Chanh district, Gia Dinh province; he is a candidate inthe elections for village council.

    April 16, 1967: A squad enters Cam Ha, Quang Nam province and murders an election candidate. One child is killed and three civilians are wounded.

    April 18, 1967: Sui Chon hamlet northeast of Saigon is attacked by assassins and arsonists who slay five Revolutionary Development team members, wound three, abduct seven; three of those slain are young girls, whose hands are tied behind their backs before they are shot in the head. One-third of the hamlet's dwelling is destroyed by fire.

    April 26, 1967: Nguyen Cam, chief of Ba Dan hamlet, Quang Nam province, is shot and killed by a terrorist. Cam had been a candidate in recent elections.

    May 10, 1967: A bus loaded with South Vietnamese civilians runs over a land mine near Than Bach Thach, Phu Bon province. One passenger is killed; the driver and five passengers are wounded.

    May 11, 1967: More than 200 doctors and medical workers of the Republic of South Viet-Nam have been victims of the communists in the past 10 years, State Health Secretary Dr. Tran Van Lu-Y tells the World Health Organization in Geneva. He says 211 members of his staff have been killed or kidnaped; 174 dispensaries, maternity homes and hospitals destroyed; 40 ambulance mined or machine-gunned.

    May 16, 1967: In two separate attacks in Quang Tin and Quang Tri provinces, communists kill eight Revolutionary Development team members and injure five.

    May 24, 1967: The information officer of Phu Thanh, Bien Hoa province, and his two children are killed by grenades thrown into their home at 3 a.m.

    May 29, 1967: Frogmen emerge from the Perfume River in Hue to blow up a hotel housing members of the International Control Commission. No member of the Indian-Canadian-Polish team is hurt, but five South Vietnamese civilians are killed and 15 wounded. The hotel is 80 percent destroyed.

    June 2, 1967: Armed with automatic weapons, two platoons make a post-midnight raid on a Chieu Hoi camp in Long An. they injure five South Vietnamese soldiers and five civilians.

    June 27, 1967: Twenty-three civilians are killed when their bus strikes a mine in Binh Duong province, southeast of Lai Khe.

    July 6, 1967: Several children walking on the road to a pagoda at Cam Pho hamlet, Quang Nam province, are wounded when a passing truck explodes a Viet-Cong antitank mine. One child dies of wounds.

    July 13, 1967: An explosion in a Hue restaurant kills two Vietnamese. Twelve Vietnamese, seven Americans and one Filipino are injured.

    July 14, 1967: Terrorists dressed in Vietnamese Army uniforms capture a prison in Quang Nam province, releasing about 1,000 of the 1,200 inmates; they execute 30 in the prison yard. Ten civilians are killed and 29 wounded as the terrorists fight their way out of the area.

    July 25, 1967: Communists appear at homes in Binh Trieu, Long An province and kidnap four men, a woman and the woman's 16-year-old son. All six are found the following morning along Highway 13, hands tied behind their backs, a bullet in each head.

    August 5, 1967: During a special devices class in a secondary school in An Xuyen province, part of the September election "get out the vote" campaign, a terrorist gives a small girl a hand grenade with the pin extracted and tells her to carry it carefully to her teacher. At the classroom door the child drops the grenade, killing herself and injuring nine children.

    August 24, 1967: Terrorists kill one and wound four when they detonate a charge at the home of a Vietnamese policeman in Can Tho, Phong Dinh province.

    August 26, 1967: Twenty-two civilians die and six are injured when their bus strikes a mine in Kien Hoa province.

    August 27, 1967: A week before presidential and senate elections, terrorists step up their activities. A recoilless rifle and mortar attack on Can Tho kills 46 and injures 227. Ten die and ten are injured in an attack on a Revolutionary Development team in Phuoc Long province. Fourteen civilians, including five children, are wounded by mortar fire southeast of Ban Me Thuot, Darlac province. Two civilians die and one is wounded in an attack on a hamlet in Binh Long province. Six civilians are kidnapped from Phuoc Hung village in Thua Thien province.

  4. #304
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    August 29, 1967: Groups of communists infiltrate four hamlets in Thanh Binh district, Quang Nam province, kill two civilians and abduct six, including an inter-family chief.

    September 1, 1967: Terrorist explosives blast six craters in National Route 4 in Dinh Tuong province, stopping all vehicular traffic except a South Vietnamese army ambulance bus which runs over a pressure mine, killing 13 passengers, injuring 23.

    September 3, 1967: Shortly after polls open in Tuy Hoa, Phu Yen province, communists detonate a bomb hidden in a polling place. Three voters are killed and 42 are wounded. Election morning attacks, including long-range shellings, claim 48 lives.

    November 8, 1967: The Ky Chanh refugee center in Quang Tin province is infiltrated by terrorists who kill four persons, wound nine others and kidnap nine more; they also fire the camp's school.

    December 5, 1967: A name that should be remembered as long as Lidice is Dak Son, a Montagnard village of some 2,000 in Phuoc Long province, the scene of what in some ways remains the worst atrocity in the entire atrocity-ridden war. Some 300 communists stage a reprisal raid on Dak Son. The chief weapon: the flame thrower, 60 of them. The purpose: purely to terrorize. The result: a Carhaginian solution, all but sowing of the salt. After breaking through the flimsy hamlet militia defense, the communists set about systematically to destroy the village and the people in it. Families are incinerated alive in their grass-roofed huts or in the shelters dug beneath their beds. Everything combustible is put to the torch: houses, recently harvested grain on the ground, livestock, fences, trees, people. One of the first Americans to approach the scene the following day: "As we approached the place I thought I saw charred cordwood piled up the way you pile up logs neatly beside the road. When we got closer I could see it was burned bodies of several dozen babies. The odor of burned flesh, which really is an unforgettable smell, reached us outside the village and of course got stronger at the center. People were trying to breath through cabbage leaves . . . I saw a small boy a smaller girl, probably his sister, sort of melted together in a charred embrace. I saw a mother burned black still hiding two children, also burned black. Everything was burned and black. The worst was the wail of the survivors who were picking through the smoldering ruins. One man kept screaming and screaming at the top of his lungs. For an hour he kept it up. He wasn't hurt that I could tell. He just kept screaming until a doctor gave him a shot of morphine or something . . . Fire bloats bodies I learned, and after a few hours the skin splits and peels and curls . . . The far end of the village wasn't burned; the communists ran out of flamethrower fuel before they got to it . .
    ." Estimated toll: 252 dead, about two-thirds of them women and children; 200 abducted, never to return.

    Dec. 14, 1967: Bui Quang San, member of South Viet-Nam's lower house, is gunned down in his home near Saigon. Two days before his murder, San told friends of receiving a letter from the communists threatening his life. His mother, first wife and six children were killed in an earlier Vietnamese Communist raid the city of Hoi An.

    December 14, 1967: Saigon reports a total of 232 civilians killed by acts of terrorism in one week.

    December 16, 1967: During the intermission at a classical drama at the University of Saigon, a communist appears on stage and begins a propaganda speech about the NLF. A student attempts to climb to the stage and is shot in the stomach. Two other students are shot in the melee that follows.

    January 20, 1968: An armed propaganda team enters Tam Quan, Binh Dinh province, gathers 100 people for a propaganda session; one prominent village elder objects and is shot to death.

    January 30, 1968: On the night of the new moon marking the new lunar year during a negotiated truce, a Vietnamese communist force of approximately 12,000 invaded Hue quickly turned it into one of the saddest cities on Earth.

    The communists stayed for 26 days, during which time they executed nearly 6,000 Hue civilians who the National Liberation Front Central Committee had blacklisted as enemies of Communism.
    After being forced to withdraw from Hue, South Vietnamese officials found the bodies of over 3,000 men and women buried in a river bed with their hands tied behind them. Many had been buried alive.

    April 6, 1968: A band of communists enters That Vinh Dong, Tay Ninh province; they sell several thousand piasters worth of "war bonds" and then depart, taking with them a school teacher, the hamlet chief's two daughters and nephew and six other males age 15 or 16.

    May 5 - June 22, 1968: Some 417 rockets are fired indiscriminately into Saigon, chiefly in the densely-populated Fourth District. The rockets are 107mm Chinese-made and 122mm Soviet-made. Result: 115 dead, 528 hospitalized.

    May 29, 1968: A band of communists stops all traffic on Route 155 in Vinh Binh province; 50 civilians are kidnapped, including a Protestant minister; 2 buses and 28 three-wheeled taxis are burned.

    June 28, 1968: A major attack is made against the refugee center and fishing village of Son Tra, south of Da Nang. In all, 88 persons are killed and 103 are wounded by mortar and machine gun fire, grenades and explosive charges. Some 450 homes are destroyed leaving 3,000 of the 5,000 persons there homeless.
    Later, villagers gathering bamboo to rebuild the center are fired on from ambush.

    July 28, 1968: Four gun-wielding terrorists, two of them women, detonate a 60-pound plastique charge in city room of Cholon Daily News, most prominent of city's seven Chinese-language newspapers, after ordering workers out of building; the four escape before police arrive.

    September 1, 1968: Doctors at the American Division's 27th Surgical Hospital report two Montagnard women have been brought in for treatment for advanced anemia. It is determined that the North Vietnamese had been systematically draining them of blood for treating their own wounded.

    September 12, 1968: A communist report (captured in Binh Duong province) from the Chau Thanh district Security Section to the provincial party Central Committee says that seven prisoners in the district's custody were shot prior to an expected enemy sweep operation: "we killed them to make possible our safe escape," the report says.

    September 26, 1968: A grenade is thrown into the crowded Saigon central market, killing one person and wounding 11.

    December 11, 1968: A band of terrorists appears at the home of the provincial People's Self-Defense Force chief in Tri Ton, Chau Doc province; they bind his arms with rope and lead him 50 yards from his home where they fire a burst from a submachine gun into his body.

    January 6, 1969: The Vietnamese Minister of Education, Dr. Le Minh Tri, is killed when two terrorists on a motorcycle hurl a hand grenade through the window of the car in which he is riding.

    February 7, 1969: A satchel charge is exploded in the Can Tho market place, killing one and wounding three.

    February 16, 1969: Communists invade and occupy Phuoc My village, Quang Tin province, for several days. Later, survivors describe a series of brutal acts: a 78-year old villager shot for refusing to cut down a tree for a fortification; a 73-year old man killed when he could not or would not leave his home, pleading that infirmities prevented him from walking; an 11-year old boy stabbed; several families grenaded in their homes.

  5. #305
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    January 19, 1969: A bicycle bomb explodes in a shop in Kien Hoa province (Truc Giang), killing six civilians and wounding 16.

    February 24, 1969: Terrorists enter the Catholic Church in Quang Ngai province, assassinate the priest and an altar boy.

    February 26, 1969: A bicycle bomb explodes in a shop in Kien Hoa province, killing a child and wounding three other persons.

    March 4, 1969: Rector of Saigon University, Professor Tran Anh, is shot by motorcycle-riding terrorists; previously he had been notified that he was on the "death list" of something called the "Suicide Regiment of the Saigon Youth Guard."

    March 5, 1969: An attempt is made to assassinate Prime Minister Tran Van Huong by hurling a satchel charge against the automobile in which he is riding. The attempt fails and most of the terrorists are captured.

    March 6, 1969: An explosive charge explodes next to a wall at Quang Ngai city hospital, killing a maternity patient and destroying two ambulances.

    March 9, 1969: Terrorists enter Xom Lang, Go Cong province, take Mrs. Phan Thi Tri from her home to a nearby rice field where they behead her, explaining that her husband had defected from the communists.

    March 9, 1969: A band of communists attack Loc An, Loc My and Loc Hung villages in Quang Nam province, killing two adults and kidnaping ten teenage boys.

    March 13, 1969: Kon Sitiu and Kon Bobanh, two Montagnard villages in Kontum province, are raided by terrorists; 15 persons killed; 23 kidnaped, two of whom are later executed; three long-houses, a church and a school burned. A hamlet chief is beaten to death. Survivors say the communists' explanation is: "We are teaching you not to cooperate with the government."

    March 21, 1969: A Kontum province refugee center is attacked for the second time by a PAVN battalion using mortars and B-40 rockets. Seventeen civilians are killed and 36 wounded, many of
    them women and children. A third of the center is destroyed.

    April 4, 1969: A pagoda in Quang Nam province is dynamited, killing four persons, wounding 14.

    April 9, 1969: Terrorists attack the Phu Binh refugee center, Quang Ngai province and fire 70 houses, leaving 200 homeless. Four persons are kidnaped.

    April 11, 1969: A satchel charge explodes in the Dinh Thanh temple, Long Thanh village, Phong Dinh province, wounding four children.

    April 15, 1969: An armed propaganda team invades An Ky refugee center, Quang Ngai province, and attempts to force out the people living there; nine are killed and ten others wounded.

    April 16, 1969: The Hoa Dai refugee center in Binh Dinh province is invaded by an armed propaganda team. The refugees are urged to return to their former (communist dominated) village, but refuse;
    the communists burn 146 houses.

    April 19, 1969: Hieu Duc district refugee center, Quang Nam province, is invaded and ten persons kidnaped.

    April 23, 1969: Son Tinh district refugee center, Quang Ngai province, is invaded; two women are shot and 10 persons kidnaped.

    May 6, 1969: Le Van Gio, 37, is kidnapped and later shot for refusing to pay "taxes" to a communist agent who entered his village of Vinh Phu, An Giang province.

    May 8, 1969: Communist sappers detonate a charge outside the Postal-Telephone Building in Saigon's Kennedy Square, killing four civilians and wounding 19.

    May 10, 1969: Sappers explode a charge of plastique in Duong Hong, Quang Nam province, killing eight civilians and wounding four.

    May 12, 1969: A communist sapper squad attacks Phu My, Binh Dinh province, with satchel charges, rockets and grenades; 10 civilians are killed, 19 wounded; 87 homes are destroyed.

    May 14, 1969: Five communist 122mm rockets land in the residential area of Da Nang, killing five civilians and wounding 18.

    June 18, 1969: Three children are wounded when they step on a communist mine while playing near their home in Quan Long (Ca Mau) city, An Xuyen province.

    June 19, 1969: In Phu My, Thua Thien province, communists assassinate a 54-year old man and his 70-year old mother.

    June 24, 1969: A 122mm communists rocket strikes the Thanh Tam hospital in Ho Nai, Bien Hoa province, killing one patient.

    June 30, 1969: Communist mortar shells destroy the Phuoc Long pagoda in Chanh Hiep, Binh Duong province; one Buddhist monk is killed and ten persons wounded.

    June 30, 1969: Three members of the People's Self-Defense Force are kidnaped from Phu My, Bien Hoa province.

    July 2, 1969: Two communist assassins enter a hamlet office in Thai Phu, Tay Ninh province, shoot and wound the hamlet chief and his deputy.

    July 17, 1969: A grenade is thrown into Cho Con market, Da Nang, wounding 13 civilians, most of them women.

    April 22, 1960: A communist unit attacks the Chieu Hoi center in Vinh Binh province killing five persons, including two women and a youth, and wounding 11 civilians.

    July 18, 1969: Police report two incidents of B-40 rockets being fired into trucks on the highway, one in Quang Duc province in which three civilians were wounded and one in Darlac province which killed the driver.

    July 19, 1969: Communist seize and shoot Luong Van Thanh, a People's Self-Defense Force member, Tan Hoi Dong, Dinh Tuong province.

    July 30, 1969: Communists rocket the refugee center of Hung My, Binh Duong, wounding 76 persons.

    August 5, 1969: Two grenades are thrown into the elementary school in Vinh Chau, Quang Nam province, where a school board meeting is taking place. Five persons re killed and 21 are wounded.

    August 7, 1969: Communist sappers set off some 30 separate plastique charges in the U.S. Sixth Evacuation Hospital compound, Cam Ranh Bay, killing two and wounding 57 patients.

    August 13, 1969: Officials in Saigon report a total of 17 communist terror attacks on refugee centers in Quang Nam and Thua Thien provinces, leaving 23 persons dead, 75 injured and a large number of homes destroyed or damaged.

    August 26, 1969: A nine-month-old baby in his mother's arms is shot in the head by terrorists outside Hoa Phat, Quang Nam province; also found dead are three children between ages six and ten, an elderly man, a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman, a total of seven, all shot at least once in the back of the head.

    September 6, 1969: Communists rocket and mortar the trainingcenter of the National Police Field Force in Dalat, Killing five trainees and wounding 26.

    September 9, 1969: South Vietnamese officials report that nearly 5,000 South Vietnamese civilians have been killed by communist terror during 1969.

    September 20, 1969: Communists attack Tu Van refugee center in Quang Ngai province, killing 8 persons and wounding two, all families of local People's Self-Defense Force members. In nearby Binh Son, eight members of a police official's family are killed.

    September 24, 1969: A bus hits a mine on Highway 1, north of Duc Tho, Quang Ngai province; 12 passengers are killed.

    October 13, 1969: A grenade is thrown in the Vi Thanh City Chieu Hoi center, killing three civilians and wounding 46; about half those wounded are dependents.

    October 13, 1969: Communists kidnap a Catholic priest and a lay assistant from the church at Phu Hoi, Bien Hoa province.

    October 27, 1969: Communists booby trap the body of a People's Self-Defense Force member whom they have killed. When relatives come to retrieve the body the subsequent explosion kills for of them.

  6. #306
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    These are just a few of the war crimes committed against the civilian population of South Vietnam--more than enough to indict and convict Vietnamese Communist Party.

  7. #307
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    Câu chuyện cải cách ruộng đất và Đảng viên

    Thứ bảy, ngày 10 tháng mười hai năm 2011
    Câu chuyện cải cách ruộng đất và Đảng viên

    Gia đình tôi, bị quy địa chủ trong những năm tháng cải cách ruộng đất. Đó là điều vô lý, thật là vô lý. Đến bây giờ bố tôi và tôi vẫn không hiểu vì sao một gia đình nghèo đói như thế này, bỏ tất cả theo kháng chiến, không một mảnh đất cắm dùi thời kỳ đó mà vẫn bị quy là địa chủ.
    Bố của bà nội tôi được triều đình nhà Nguyễn phong cho một cái chức nhỏ thôi và được cấp ở quê một mảnh ruộng. Ông ở Đồng Hới có biết chi chuyện ruộng đất nên cho người em làm. Về sau cuối đời ông bất mãn sa vào cờ bạc, khuynh gia bại sản, nhà cửa, đất đai bán hết kể cả đám ruộng của vua ban ở ngoài quê. Bà tôi có biết gì đâu, lấy chồng rồi theo chồng lên chiến khu chợ Gát làm Cách mạng.
    Đội cải cách về làng, đêm đấu tố ở làng có người bảo làm thuê trên đất ruộng của ông cố tôi. Ông cố tôi lúc đó mất rồi và còn lại là bà tôi. Bà tôi bị quy là địa chủ (bố chết thì con phải chịu thay). Đội cải cách tìm mọi cách lùng sục, chỉ chờ bà tôi về là bắt ngay. Lúc đó, Ba Đồn đã được giải phóng, bà tôi phải ở lại Ba Đồn không dám về quê cho dù chỉ cách một khúc sông Gianh. Bố tôi, hằn sâu nổi đau của đợt cải cách mà đến bây giờ anh em tôi có tý tiền muốn mua đất cát, ông đều gạt đi, mua làm gì, đất đai nhiều mà chi, cuối đời quy là địa chủ thì khổ lắm.
    Bố tôi kể, đợt cải cách ruộng đất oan sai nhiều lắm. Người oan toàn người giỏi, người tài và rất nhiều Đảng viên bị giết. Ở Ba Đồn ai ai cùng nhớ và đau câu chuyện ông Nghị Các. Ông là đảng viên, được tổ chức giới thiệu vào hoạt động ở Nghị viện dân biểu Trung Kỳ nhưng khi cải cách ruộng đất ông vẫn bị quy là địa chủ và chặt đầu. Đêm hôm trước khi hành hình, ông Nghị Các đã lấy ống nứa cứa vào mách máu tay tự vẫn. Nghe kể lại, ông bảo ông sẽ tự chết chứ sáng mai để đồng đội của mình hành hình mình thì đau đớn quá ?.
    Vẫn là câu chuyện mà bố tôi kể có một đảng viên (ông đã quên tên) theo cách mạng, hòa bình lập lại ông này làm đến chức chủ tịch mặt trận Liên Việt xã Quảng Thạch (bao gồm cả vùng chiến khu Trung Thuần), nhưng vẫn bị quy là địa chủ và bị hành hình trong đợt cải cách ruộng đất. Con ông sau này trúng tuyển nghĩa vụ quân sự đã khóc: “Bố tôi, theo cách mạng hòa bình lập lại bị giết, giờ tôi cầm súng ra chiến trường chiến thắng trở về có bị giết không”. Ai cũng thương con ông, họ không dám nói ra và con ông cũng không được “vinh dự” ra chiến trường.
    Tôi đã nhiều lần ngồi nhậu với nhà thơ Ngô Minh, ông cũng mang trong mình nổi đau của oan sai cải cách ruộng đất. Khi rượu vào mềm môi, tôi hỏi: “Chuyện gia đình chú bị quy sai địa chủ chú có đau không?”. Ông cười nhưng từng thớ thịt trên mặt giật liên tục, như đang cố nuốt một nổi đau mà chỉ có người trong cuộc mới hiểu nổi: “Mày xem cái làng Ngư Thủy nghèo nhất nước này thì làm chó gì có địa chủ. Thôi không nhắc nữa, chuyện củ!”. Nhà thơ họ Ngô đã xung phong đi bộ đội và được kết nạp Đảng tại chiến trường. Đến bây giờ ông không hổ thẹn mình là con địa chủ, không hổ thẹn mình là một đảng viên.
    Chuyện củ, thôi đừng nhắc nữa. Câu nói của nhà thơ Ngô Minh mà sao tôi cứ thấy nghẹn nghẹn trong cổ họng
    Người Ba Đồn

  8. #308
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    Lúa Ba Thiệt

    Các anh xem lại tấm h́nh toà án :" Cải Cách Ruộng Đất " mà các anh đưa ra bảo là của Người Nga chụp . Các anh xem lại cách trang trí cho một phiên xử án có giống với cách trang trí của chính quyền VC hay không ? Những người VN trong nước nh́n là thấy ngay , cách trang trí bàn thờ Tổ Quốc trong ảnh , là do những người không hiểu biết ǵ về Cộng Sản VN dàn dựng . Tôi chỉ nói thế thôi ! Những người trong nước xem là phát hiện ra ngay .
    C̣n các anh cho rằng VC đập lấy tất că tượng vàng của đất nước Kam pu chia về VN là một nguồn tin càng phi lư . Ai cũng biết rằng sau khi cướp chính quyền Ponpot đă cho phá hết chùa chiền từ đầu năm 1975 , các nhà sư đều bị bắt đi lao động và cấm không cho tu hành nữa , th́ làm ǵ c̣n các tượng phật bằng vàng ở chùa mà PonPot chừa lại , cho măi đến năm 1979 ( 4 năm sau ) th́ bộ đội VN mới tấn công qua , làm ǵ c̣n tượng phật nào bằng vàng mà bộ đội VN đập vụn ra để đem về nước , các ông quá xem thường người đọc và xem thường người dân trong nước VN và că người dân Kam pu chia . Vậy mà các ông bảo là sự thật đó à !

    C̣n việc chôn ḿn gài ḿn th́ bên nào mà chẳng có , chính VC gài ḿn rồi sau đó chính VC khác lại dính chính ḿn của VC huống chi là dân , VNCH có gài ḿn không ? Và có người dân nào dính Ḿn clây - mo của VNCH không ? Các ông tự trả lời đi , cho đến hơn 10 năm sau chiến tranh c̣n vô số người dân thường bị chết , thuop7ng vong do ḿn của VNCH c̣n để lại , chưa nói đến bom bi , pháo lép và đặc biệt nguy hiểm nhất là đầu đạn M79 của Mỹ và VNCH bắn bừa bải , c̣n sót lại lền khênh , trẻ con nhặt được cũng nổ chết , người dân đi cày rũi chạm phải cũng nổ chết , đi phát cỏ cũng chết , cuốc đất cũng chết , Nhiều đến nổi không ai thống kê hết là bao nhiêu vụ . Cho đến bây giờ gần 40 năm mà thỉnh thoảng vẫn có những người dân vô tội chết v́ những loại đạn bắn rơi văi nầy . Không phải tôi kể ra để bênh vực VC , mà sự thật bom rơi đạn lạc là đâu ai muốn .
    Nếu những năm sau giải phóng rồi , nếu mà Công An VC không bắt được hàng chục tấn thuốc nổ từ Thái Lan do các anh VNCH chống Cộng đưa qua biên giới để định cho nổ ở Sài G̣n th́ hỏi các anh VNCH có chắc ǵ những tấn thuốc nổ đó không làm chết người dân vô tội hay không , trong lúc dân đang vui tết năm 198x , cũng may là Công An VC bắt trọn ổ các anh

  9. #309
    Ông Lúa này biết rơ th́ cứ vô sách báo Đảng mà đọc. Đảng cũng đă nói rơ ràng cải cách ruộng đất gây chết 178,000 người. Không lẽ ông không tin đảng!.
    C̣n chuyện Kam ǵ đó cũng do anh em CS mấy ông nựng nhau. Kiểu t́nh hữu nghị của mấy ông làm chết dân miền Nam quá trời trong đó có bà con hàng xóm tôi.
    Nếu mấy ông không thờ Tổ quốc LX, thờ Stalin, Mao th́ VN đâu có khổ như ngày hôm nay.
    LD nói ta đánh đây là đánh cho Nga, cho Tàu. Không lẽ ông không tin LD.
    Ngày xưa phục vụ cho Nga Tàu sử dụng chiêu bài vô sản liên hiệp lại chống tư bản.
    Ngày nay có dám hô đâu v́ LX sụp rồi, mấy tên CS thành tư bản đỏ rồi.

  10. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by lua ba thiet View Post
    Các anh xem lại tấm h́nh toà án :" Cải Cách Ruộng Đất " mà các anh đưa ra bảo là của Người Nga chụp . Các anh xem lại cách trang trí cho một phiên xử án có giống với cách trang trí của chính quyền VC hay không ? Những người VN trong nước nh́n là thấy ngay , cách trang trí bàn thờ Tổ Quốc trong ảnh , là do những người không hiểu biết ǵ về Cộng Sản VN dàn dựng . Tôi chỉ nói thế thôi ! Những người trong nước xem là phát hiện ra ngay .
    Không tin thì vào trang mạng của cộng sản mà coi

    Hội nghị Chính phủ bàn về cải cách ruộng đất.

    Tấm hình trên trong trang " Tài chính điện tử" trong nước của đảng cộng sản Việt Nam.

    Tấm hình trên là chụp tổ đấu tố bà Cát Hanh Thanh Long Nguyễn thị Năm.

    Hãy chú Ý:

    Ba tấm hình treo trên "sân khấu" của "tổ đấu tố" gồm có hình Hồ chí Minh ở chính giữa, hình Stalin và Mao trạch đông ở hai bên, y như những tấm hình của nhiếp ảnh gia Nga chụp

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