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Thread: Henry Kissinger : Vietnam failures ’we did to ourselves’

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    Henry Kissinger : Vietnam failures ’we did to ourselves’

    Đọc bài viết bằng Anh Ngữ trên tờ Boston Herald, người VN chắc không khỏi cay mắt bùi ngùi. Cuối cùng, “người của Nobel Ḥa B́nh” đă chịu nói thật.

    Nói thật rằng THẤT BẠI Ở VIỆT NAM LÀ DO CHÍNH NGƯỜI MỸ GÂY RA. Cái chết của ông Diệm, nổi oan ức của Thiếu úy Nghĩa (người bị cho là đă ra tay sát hại ông Diệm và Nhu) Tướng Dương Văn Minh, TT Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, Tướng Nguyễn Ngọc Loan bắn chết Bảy Lốp………..Tất cả rồi cũng ra ngoài ánh sáng. Phải do chính miệng đạo diễn công nhận th́ mới có giá trị phải không?? Ừ chua chát quá. “American wanted Compromise. Hà Nội wanted Victory” Cả lang sói lẫn kên kên đều đă hưởng lợi trên xác chết của mẹ VN rồi đó. Có lẽ v́ đó mà ngài Nixon c̣n xót thương chưa “cắt đầu” TT Thiệu như đă hăm dọa.

    Sinh linh của bao nhiêu người dân và binh sĩ miền Nam đă chết không phải trong chiến cuộc mà sau cuộc chiến nữa. Nếu vong linh họ vẫn chưa đầu thai, không biết họ có biết được chuyện này!! Người Việt hải ngoại đ̣i đủ thứ hết nhưng chưa bao giờ đ̣i công đạo cho kẻ đă chết. Giờ này khi Trung Cộng lăm le, VC lại chuẩn bị sang đây lạy “đàn anh” một lần nữa !!  Thượng đế hỡi có thấu cho Việt Nam này……………………..


    Henry Kissinger : Vietnam failures ’we did to ourselves’

    By Associated Press

    Thursday, September 30, 2010

    WASHINGTON — Henry Kissinger, who helped steer Vietnam policy during the war’s darkest years, said Wednesday he is convinced that "most of what went wrong in Vietnam we did to ourselves" — beginning with underestimating the tenacity of North Vietnamese leaders.

    Offering a somber assessment of the conflict, which ended in 1975 with the humiliating fall of Saigon, Kissinger lamented the anguish that engulfed a generation of Americans as the war dragged on.

    And he said the core problem for the U.S. was that its central objective of preserving an independent, viable South Vietnamese state was unachievable — and that the U.S. adversary was unbending.

    "America wanted compromise," he said. "Hanoi wanted victory."

    Kissinger spoke at a State Department conference on the history of U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia. The department in recent months has published a series of reports, based on newly declassified documents, covering U.S. decision-making on Vietnam in the final years of the war.

    Kissinger was national security adviser and secretary of state under President Richard M. Nixon and continued in the role of chief diplomat during the administration of President Gerald R. Ford.

    In introducing Kissinger, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton — who opposed the war as a college student and has written that she held contradictory feelings about expressing her opposition — spoke in broad terms about how the conflict influenced her generation’s view of the world.

    "Like everyone in those days, I had friends who enlisted — male friends who enlisted — were drafted, resisted, or became conscientious objectors; many long, painful, anguished conversations," she said. "And yet, the lessons of that era continue to inform the decisions we make."

    Kissinger offered a more personal, extensive assessment of the war that killed more than 58,000 U.S. servicemen.

    He said he regretted that what should have been straightforward disagreements over the U.S. approach to Vietnam became "transmuted into a moral issue — first about the moral adequacy of American foreign policy altogether and then into the moral adequacy of America."

    "To me, the tragedy of the Vietnam war was not that there were disagreements — that was inevitable, given the complexity of the (conflict) — but that the faith of Americans in each other became destroyed in the process," he said.

    He called himself "absolutely unreconstructed" on that point.

    "I believe that most of what went wrong in Vietnam we did to ourselves," he said, adding, "I would have preferred another outcome — at least another outcome that was not so intimately related to the way that we tore ourselves apart."

    In hindsight, Kissinger said, it is clear just how steadfast the North Vietnamese communists were in their goal of unification of the North and the South, having defeated their French colonial rulers in 1954.

    Historians are coming to the same conclusion.

    In his account of the conflict, "Vietnam: The History of an Unwinnable War, 1945-1975," military historian John Prados wrote, "The (North) had a well-defined goal — reunification of the country — and an absolute belief in its cause."

    Kissinger credited his North Vietnamese adversary in the peace negotiations — Le Duc Tho — with skillfully and faithfully carrying out his government’s instructions to outmaneuver the Americans.

    "He operated on us like a surgeon with a scalpel — with enormous skill," Kissinger said.

    Washington and Hanoi signed a peace accord in January 1973, and Kissinger and Tho were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace prize that year for their role in the negotiation. Tho declined the award.

    The peace accords provided a way out of Vietnam for the U.S., but it left South Vietnam vulnerable to a communist takeover.

    "We knew it was a precarious agreement," Kissinger said, and that the conflict was not really over. But Washington also was convinced that the South Vietnamese could hold off the communists, barring an all-out invasion.

    Kissinger joked that his long negotiating sessions with Tho took a heavy and lasting toll.

    "I would look a lot better if I had never met him," he said.

    A flavor of the negotiating difficulties is revealed in a newly declassified transcript of a meeting between Kissinger and Tho in Paris on May 21, 1973, in which they discussed problems implementing the peace accords.

    "We have been meeting for only 45 minutes and already you have totally confused us," Kissinger told Tho.

    To which Tho replied: "No, you are not confused yourself. You make the problem confused."


    Most recent volume of State Department reports on Vietnam:

    Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

    * Source:


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    dich ra tieng viet di may cha .. post tieng anh nguoi trong nuoc ong noi ai hieu duoc

    Quote Originally Posted by hatka View Post
    dich ra tieng viet di may cha .. post tieng anh nguoi trong nuoc ong noi ai hieu duoc

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by hai View Post
    dich ra tieng viet di may cha .. post tieng anh nguoi trong nuoc ong noi ai hieu duoc
    ai noi nguoi trong nuoc khong hieu tieng anh?

    Noi tu te di, toi dich ra cho, bao dam giu duoc y nguoi viet va duoc viet hoa', chu khong phai van dich

    nho nguoi ta dich ma viet khong bo dau, thay ghet

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